
Lodewijk - Satsang agenda

website: www.lodewijkkuijt.com

datum locatie Tijd Informatie

elke zaterdag en zondag in april


Kramatplantsoen 200
(11e etage in geel flatgebouw)
11.00 - 13.00 e-mail of Whatsapp: +31 6 29494305


Adres: Kramatplantsoen 200 (11e etage in geel flatgebouw)
1095 LC Amsterdam (Zeeburg)

Aanmelden via email en/of Whatsapp i.v.m. geringe capaciteit. Maximaal 10 personen.

email: lodewijkkuijt@gmail.com Whatsapp: +31 6 29494305

Contactpersoon Magnus Quensel
Bijdrage: 20,00€ p.p.
Meer info: www.lodewijkkuijt.com


One day a friend asked me if I wanted to meet this Dutch guy Lodewijk who held a satsang (spiritual meeting) in Stockholm, although at that time he called it Life Coaching. I had met some spiritual teachers before but the person in front of me was not like any other teacher that I had met - he was loud, charismatic, could be perceived as arrogant, laughed a lot and was more friends with his students than a person who “knew it all”. He didn´t seem to be “perfect” or “holy” at all. Yet sitting in his energy I immediately felt at home. Like I was home for the first time in my life. My mind and heart became still without me having to do anything. I didn’t know why at the time, but I knew that I had to spend more time with this guy.

Meeting Lodewijk

When I met Lodewijk in 2007 I was full of fear. Fear about becoming somebody, I (unconsciously) despised myself and I thought that I was a peace of shit. I did not know who I was, I had difficulties working and being in a relationship, and I lived in a fantasy world - filled with spiritual ideas and most of the time I was not present in my body. I had tried meditations, being an Osho Sannyasin and all sort of alternative therapies - but nothing really helped. That was not it. It did not help me to have all the things that I wanted – a deep and meaningful relationship, a successful job and a more joyful and fulfilling life - actually I wanted Everything.

Slowly me and Lodewijk started to become friends. I don’t know exactly how and when it happened but my heart connected with his and a deep trust started to emerge. In the end I guess it was myself I started to trust, or life itself perhaps, but somehow this trust enabled me to change my life completely. I became brave. I dared to go for my dream to build up a hotel business in Spain, to go for women I earlier thought were unattainable and I started to fulfill the dreams I had in my life. Today, many years later, I have a deep and meaningful marriage, I am a fairly successful entrepreneur and coach - and still I am continuing on this journey of discovering who I am.

Of course I have had many so called spiritual experience on the way. Unspeakable stillness, oneness experiences, intense chakra openings and states of complete inner peace. But in the end the gift is to live fully to every moment without having to escape from myself. To be one with life. Perhaps you could say that I gave Lodewijk my life – and he gave me everything in return.

Lodewijk´s teaching

I think a more correct word for Lodewijk´s teaching would be to call it a happening. Lodewijk and what spontaneously happens in his presence is the teaching itself. It all unfolds naturally without any effort. To sit in the presence of Lodewijk can be very relaxing, peaceful, extremely alive and indeed a way to connect with your true nature. It can also be scary and not very pleasant at times, since once you connect with Lodewijk everything will naturally start to come up – your false ideas, your self loading, your escape routes, your hiding. Everything that is not You will show itself – so that the true You can start to emerge. You need no prior experience and there is no prerequisite to meet Lodewijk, but you need an honest curiosity and a willingness to look within. Lodewijk might not act like your ideas of how a spiritual teacher or guru should be - but make no mistake my friend…

About Lodewijk

After a successful carreer as an entrepreneur in the hospitality business, Lodewijk met his Guru Sri Hansraj Maharajji in Laxman Jhula, India in 1992. After sitting in his gurus room every day for 4 years Lodewijk realized himself and shortly thereafter, with the blessings of his guru, Lodewijk started to give satsangs in India and Europe. Like in many Indian traditions Lodewijk received an Indian name which was Gopal. The name means Cowboy which in many ways says something about Lodewijk and his teaching. It is a lot of truth, a lot of rocknroll and a lot of shooting from the hips and heart
